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Introducing HPC to a wider audience

Upward Bound

Since 2021, the Blugold Center for High-Performance Computing has partnered with the Upward Bound program to hold an annual summer workshop for local high school students.  During this multi-day workshop, students learn from UW-Eau Claire faculty and technology staff to discover how high-performance computing tackles today's scientific challenges in a wide variety of fields. Each session includes both a lecture and a hands-on activity that utilizes our computing infrastructure.

Presenting Departments:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry and Biochemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Geography and Anthropology
  • Materials Science and Biomedical Engineering
  • Mathematics
  • Physics and Astronomy
  • Learning and Technology Services

Interested in seeing what a typical workshop looks like? Check out the page our current and previous workshops by clicking the button below.

HPC Workshop 2024  HPC Workshop 2023  HPC Workshop 2022

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)

Initiated and coordinated by faculty members Dr. Rahul Gomes and Dr. Sudeep Bhattacharyay in 2022, we've had the pleasure of participating in a three-year 10-week summer REU program supported by the NSF grant titled, "Advancing high-performance computing opportunities in undergraduate research at UW-Eau Claire to meet challenges of multidisciplinary computational science". During this program, ten undergraduate students from across the nation are hosted by our campus to participate in research projects.

Learn About The Program Current REU Projects

Group of students mixed genders, sitting and standing in library breezeway

2022 REU Students

Meet the students that participated in our first year of our three-year summer REU program dedicated to High-Performance Computing.